Ad Energy LLC

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Andy Wall, 917-902-5292,

ad energy logo

Ad Energy has been providing homeowners and business owners with affordable solar power since 2009. Based in Brooklyn NY with offices and operations in both New York and New Jersey, Ad Energy has helped hundreds of homeowners and businesses acquire solar power.

At Ad Energy we pride ourselves on being the best out there. We use only the highest quality components in the systems we engineer, and we invest heavily in our engineering capabilities to make sure our customers get the best system for their situation. Your system will be durable, and it will look good.

Andy Wall is the CEO and founder of Ad Energy. He started Ad Energy with a vision of building a company that would make an important contribution to solving our society’s energy challenges. Andy has deep experience in both finance and solar technology.

We believe solar power should be mainstream. For solar power to make that transition, it needs to be simple and affordable. The technology itself is safe and extremely reliable. So we made it our mission to make solar simple for homeowners. Our team is made up of passionate people who all share the same core belief of making solar simple.

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Andy Wall, 917-902-5292,


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