Pearl Street Systems

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Brian Nieves, 917-242-2401,

ps_ledwebPearl Street Systems is a leading systems integrator and professional services provider of commercial and industrial LED lighting upgrades. With a skilled and experienced staff whose only focus is LED lighting upgrades, Pearl Street develops and implements custom engineered solutions that deliver measurable long-term value.

Pearl Street’s services cover every phase of lighting upgrades including: initial feasibility assessments, comprehensive investment grade lighting audits, professional lighting design and engineering services, equipment procurement and supply, project management, design-supply or turnkey design-build project delivery and project financing.  Pearl Street Systems differentiates itself from other LED upgrade providers in these key areas:

  • WE EMPHASIZE COMPREHENSIVE ANALYSIS AND DESIGN, AND DEVELOP CUSTOM ENGINEERED SOLUTIONS.  We do not take shortcuts with “one for one wattage equivalent” fixture replacements that, in the end, will typically result in larger (and more expensive) and greater quantities of LED fixtures than what is needed.  Comprehensive lighting analysis and design more than pays for itself in lower capital and lifetime operating costs. But many upgrade providers do not have the in-house staff, design/analysis software and processes to analyze and design alternative solutions.  They commonly say that this is not necessary and prohibitively expensive – but the fact is that they don’t have these capabilities.
  • PEARL STREET FOCUSES SOLELY ON LED LIGHTING SYSTEMS AND CONTROLS UPGRADES.  We do not offer lighting upgrades that utilize traditional lighting technologies like fluorescent and metal halide.  In addition, we do not dilute our focus and resources on non-lighting related energy efficiency upgrades, like for example, HVAC or solar energy systems.  Most full-service ESCO’s (energy service companies) outsource their lighting technical services or use junior/less experienced staff in their firm to do this work.
  • WE ARE MANUFACTURER INDEPENDENT.  There isn’t a manufacturer in the marketplace that can effectively cover all lighting applications.  Each have strengths and weaknesses in performance and price, and with new products continuously entering the market this is always changing.  At Pearl Street, we are not in the business of representing the interests of specific lighting manufacturers like a lighting representative/agent does; we are in the business to serve our customers interests and offer the optimum solutions to meet their needs.  Pearl Street only works with select top-tier lighting and controls equipment manufacturers, and our high volume purchasing affords us very competitive pricing which we pass onto our customers.

People frequently ask us “what’s with the company name”? Pearl Street Systems is named in honor of Thomas Edison’s first central power plant Pearl Street Station which was located in lower Manhattan.  The plant was the first of its kind in the United States, being placed in service in 1882.  So, where is the connection with an LED lighting upgrade integrator and services provider?

  • We are “Jersey Boys (and Girls)” like Mr. Edison.
  • Our company culture fosters technical excellence, innovation and persistence; qualities that Thomas Edison possessed.
  • Our company’s founder and President began his career nearly 30 years ago with Con Edison of New York working as an engineer in a lower Manhattan power generation station.
  • LEDs operate on DC (direct current) electricity, like Edison’s first light bulb and Pearl Street Station.  What comes around goes around, right?

Every year, Pearl Street Systems upgrades thousands upon thousands of traditional technology incandescent, fluorescent and HID lamps and fixtures with new LED technology. We are not so sure that Mr. Edison would be happy about this!

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Brian Nieves, 917-242-2401,

Licenses held:
– Energy Auditor
– Engineering Consultant
– Architectural Consultant

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