Solar Home Energy Solutions

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Pat Murray, (856) 255 – 5727,

shes-logoPat Murray founded Solar Home Energy Solutions, LLC (SHES) in December 2004. SHES is a Solar Thermal / Photovoltaic (PV) installer and (NJ-SREC) Co-Op administrator in Burlington County, NJ. In addition to multiple certifications for solar design and installation, Pat is also an accredited Home Energy Efficiency Program Assessor & Diagnostician with the New Jersey and Pennsylvania EnergyStar Home Performance & Renewable Energy Programs.

SHES has installed over 500,000 kilowatt hours of renewable energy in residential, commercial, municipal & agriculture PV arrays in NJ, PA & NY. SHES has secured over $140,000.00 in USDA Federal Renewable Energy Grants for Rural Development in the past 3 years. The company’s primary focus is assisting businesses, agriculture and homeowners who are eager to lower and control their energy bills by:

  • Conducting EnergyStar Energy Efficient Assessments to lower bills
  • Providing Energy efficiency measures for residential & small commercial
  • Providing Solar PV/Thermal integrated renewable energy solutions

Pat is serving in his fourth year as Treasurer and Executive Committee member for the Mid-Atlantic Solar Energy Industries Association (MSEIA).

We assist concerned homeowners who are eager to lower and control their increasing monthly energy bills by:

  • Providing Solar PV solutions that take advantage of “free electric energy” (the sunlight that beams upon your roof)
  • Fully leveraging energy rebates and tax incentives available
  • Reducing energy bills 50 – 80% for the next 15 – 20 years!

Thousands of southern New Jersey homeowners are missing the opportunity to obtain an affordable long-term solution to their energy expenses. If a Solar Home Energy Solution is right for you, we guarantee a professional installation and more (NJ rebate forms completion, annual service, NJ-SREC Administration).

Solar Home Energy Solutions, LLC is a fully insured and registered contractor (NJ License Registration # 13 – VH00724300) based in Moorestown, NJ. We are registered with the NJ Department of Consumer Affairs, a member of the South Jersey Chamber of Commerce, and The American Solar Energy Society. We work jointly with NJ licensed Electricians and Engineers.

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor

Alliance contact: Pat Murray, (856) 255 – 5727,

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