Danny Ptak, EnterSolar

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Danny Ptak, (888) 225-0270, dptak@entersolar.com

EnterSolar began in 2005 with the goal of creating a trusted, single source for corporations looking to advance through clean energy. We’re not a new division of an old company. We’re not an offshoot of an offshoot. Solar for Business has and always will be our only business.

We believe that our genuine, highly focused approach to commercial solar photovoltaic systems is what has given us a much-welcomed edge in the expanding world of renewable energy. Staying true to who we are — Solar for Business — will be the continued key to our success, as well our clients’ success.

EnterSolar remains dedicated to American businesses — by giving back financial confidence through solar power, by reducing our need for foreign energy and fossil fuels, and by working for a healthier environment for us all.

With Solar for Business, tomorrow truly is looking bright.

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