Vanguard Energy Partners

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Alex Rivera, 772-215-3626,

Vanguard Energy Partners, a national solar development & construction firm, has designed and installed over 55 MW of solar projects since 2003. These projects include the highest solar array in the world, one of the largest rooftop arrays in North America, and the first commercial net zero electric facility in the United States. With a bonding capacity exceeding $125M, Vanguard’s project portfolio continues to grow rapidly to meet our clients’ needs.

Vanguard’s Energy Maintenance Solutions (EMS) Division, which currently monitors and maintains over 81 MW of projects, completes our design-build protocol. The EMS team collects and analyzes system performance  data;  this valuable information is used to further refine Vanguard’s ongoing process of system design improvement.

Vanguard’s expertise comes from our in-house management team’s combined decades’ worth of construction, project management and solar system design experience. Vanguard’s team manages every aspect of each project, from evaluating the prospective site and creating a system design, to construction, final interconnection and system maintenance. Vanguard takes a total turnkey approach to ensure your project is carefully and professionally handled in every stage, from start to finish.

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor

Alliance contact: Alex Rivera, 772-215-3626,


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