FADRS Smart Micro Grid Technology

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Rey Montalvo, 732-245-3664reym@cedinternational.com CED logo

Consolidated Energy Design, Inc. (CED) is an Energy Consulting / Energy Performance Contracting firm that provides varied services in the energy conservation arena. Our engineers evaluate Heating, Ventilation & Air Conditioning (HVAC), lighting, Domestic Hot Water (DHWS) and other building systems and propose modifications and/or replacements with a goal toward client comfort and satisfaction accompanied by maximum energy savings.

Through the implementation of varied energy conservation measures, we specialize in saving our clients significant money on their energy and utility bills (typically 10% – 25%). These savings are verified via the existing utility meter or sub metering.

CED’s holistic engineering approach ensures that there is no hidden agenda for selling equipment, service contracts, or utility commodities. Projects are developed based on our customer’s requirements, not ours. Our goal is to remain flexible and give our customers choice. Choice for equipment, design standards, construction method, form of savings surety, measurement & verification process, subcontractor selection, financing methods, and service support.

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Rey Montalvo, 732-245-3664reym@cedinternational.com 

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