MEMO Sunshine Solar Development*

NEW MEMO SUNSHINE - CFNJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Mitchell Nadel, 914-381-6300,

MEMO-Sunshine Solar Development (MSSD) is an Independent full-service commercial Solar Project Developer. MSSD provides unbiased vendor and equipment selection, construction management, project management, and all available financing and ownership options to our customers. Some of our basic project advisory services include: site & facility assessment, economic modeling and project forecasting and integration of present electricity costs with the proposed solar project.

Our Sister companies include:

  • Energy Portfolio Associates (EPA),a representative of the major Energy Service Companies (ESCO) who provide alternative energy supply in New York, New Jersey and 15 other deregulated states. EPA negotiates with authorized ESCOs in order to secure the most competitive price for our clients’ energy supply.
  • MEMO-Sunshine, which is a full service Solar Asset Management firm which performs traditional Operations & Maintenance, System monitoring, PPA services, SREC Advisory and System Production Optimization.

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor

Alliance contact: Mitchell Nadel, 914-381-6300,

*2014 Crowdfunding Supporter

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