AllSeason Solar

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor
Alliance contact: Chris DeMasi 609-287-9831,

AllSeason Solar designs and installs the most attractive, efficient, state-of-the art solar photovoltaic systems from the world’s leading manufacturers.

We provide a single point of contact for your solar system design, engineering, building permits, installation and utility hook-up. AllSeason Solar takes care of everything under the sun-you reap the savings.

Because the amazing benefits residents have available to them, New Jersey is the leading market for solar panel installation on the East Coast and the second largest in the United States. Going Solar has never been easier.

  • No Deposits
  • No Hidden Fees
  • No Out Of Pocket Costs

NJPACE Alliance Member and Registered Contractor

Alliance contact: Chris DeMasi 609-287-9831,

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