Advance Your Career With a Business Computing Degree

Business Computing is a degree designed to help you progress your career. In addition to pursuing all aspects of Information technology (electronic office, programming, databases and multimedia) you will also study essential areas of business such as management and marketing, accounting economics, finance and accounting. This More Help will equip you with the knowledge and skills required to analyse and design computer systems that meet business’s needs.

You will be able to study the most fundamental aspects of computing, including data analytics and software development. You will also gain experience of business areas such as management, consultancy and IT operations. You will also learn the broad skills employers look for in IT professionals such as leadership, teamwork, and management.

We have strong connections with industry. You will be working on live briefs and have the opportunity to undertake an internship year. You will be taught how modern businesses use IT and be given the opportunity to design your own solutions to real-world problems.

Many graduates are employed in roles that require a combination of IT and business abilities, such as software developers or project managers. Others work in a business-user based sector, such as banks and insurance companies, or use their skills in IT and vocational to start their own business. Some choose to work on the nebulous line between IT and business in positions such as IT security officer or consultant.

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