As the solar PV market in Pennsylvania began to explode in 2009, a multitude of contractors and entrepreneurs, all with varying electrical experience, jumped into the solar business. When the first systems began to go in, it was clear that the traditional construction checks and balances – building codes, municipal plan reviews, inspections, etc. – did not keep pace with the industry. UMC was started to fill in the technical gaps that arose as the technology proliferated; first starting out as electrical underwriters, then as hired consultants, and eventually has full-fledged system designers. The value that our company provides stems from this diverse background. We have seen projects from every perspective: as an engineer, installer, owner, inspector, plan reviewer, and commissioning agent. Simply put, we know who’s good and who isn’t – what products work, what products fail, who cuts corners, and who works the best as a team.
Today, we offer turnkey and customized technical solutions. We can provide a total package of engineering, construction admin, commissioning, performance testing, operations, and maintenance; or we can tailor services to your needs. Recently we have begun to apply this philosophy and our experiences to other industries including other forms of distributed generation, battery storage, electric vehicles, and metering.