Event Host and Sponsorship Opportunities

Dear Alliance Member:

If you haven’t seen or signed up for our June 12 NJPACE Summit in Princeton, please see our invitation here.

​This first-of-its-kind PACE Summit​ is an excellent opportunity to showcase your support ​for ​NJPACE. ​We will be acknowledging our sponsors in many ways, including thanking them in front of an auditorium of 200 ​top-level​ ​public, private and nonprofit ​​leaders from across the state and the region​ who have already registered.​ It’s a unique opportunity​ to be recognized for your willingness to be generous at this early stage for PACE in New Jersey.

As a 501(c)(3) we depend on grants, donations, and industry sponsorships in order to get the program to the point of being fully self-supporting. And we urgently need your contributions to fulfill on the promise that this Summit holds. For the past three years, we’ve been there for you; now it’s your turn to be there for us.​

I’m attaching our 2015 Sponsorship sheet. Pl​ease​ read about our current sponsors​, and see their logos, below. Currently we publicly acknowledge c​ontributions ​of $500 ​and above;​ ​​however, we welcome any contribution. Call or email Victoria Zelin, vzelin@newjerseypace.org, 908-507-3150.

Please consider joining these fine companies and organizations:




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