Natural Resources Conservation Service (NJ)

The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) provides assistance to private land owners in the conservation and management of their soil, water, and other natural resources. Local, state and federal agencies and policymakers also rely on our expertise. We deliver technical assistance based on sound science and suited to a customer’s specific needs. Financial assistance is also available in some cases. Participation in our programs is voluntary.

NRCS works in cooperation with the New Jersey Association of Conservation District (NJACD) and New Jersey’s 15 Soil Conservation Districts and the State Soil Conservation Committee of the New Jersey Department of Agriculture. Other partners include Resource Conservation and Development Councils and the New Jersey Conservation Partnership.

NRCS Leadership in New Jersey NRCS Locations in New Jersey


Energy was added as a natural resource concern by NRCS in late 2010. It is now one of the several natural resource concerns, along with soil, water, air, plants, animals, of NRCS. NRCS considers energy conservation in its conservation planning for the same reason it protects the natural resources on private and public property. Energy from fossil fuel- based sources, which are nonrenewable resources, is the primary energy source for American agriculture. The stewardship or wise use of these nonrenewable resources is an important link in the conservation ethic that underlies the NRCS mission.

Two concerns related to energy have been identified by NRCS as follows:

  • Inefficient Energy Use – Equipment and Facilities
  • Inefficient Energy Use – Farming/Ranching Practices and Field Operations

NRCS goal is to help producers and private land owners reduce the use of fossil fuel-based energy through:

  1. Improving the efficiency of energy use
  2. Conserving energy
  3. Producing renewable energy for on-farm use
  4. Producing biomass energy feedstocks in a sustainable manner


See also: Agricultural Energy

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