PBF Holding Company LLC

It was a pleasure meeting you at the luncheon last week.  Based on our conversation the people at our company that may be interested in your organization are copied.  As Deputy General Counsel I am responsible for legal matters relating to our Paulsboro Refinery.   You met Heather who is responsible for Health Safety and Environment.  Mike Karlovich as head of Government Relations and Communications is our contact with the Chamber of Commerce.  Alan King is responsible for our Commercial Power and Natural Gas.

Arthur G. Warden, III

Deputy General Counsel

PBF Holding Company LLC

1 Sylvan Way, 2nd floor, Parsippany, NJ 07054-3887

Ph 973-455-7553

Cell 973-464-1636


“Chelpaty, Heather A” <Heather.Chelpaty@pbfenergy.com>,
“Karlovich, Michael” <Michael.Karlovich@pbfenergy.com>,
“King, Alan” <Alan.King@pbfenergy.com>

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