Jamie Hahn, Solis Partners

1/17/14 VZ lm

Jamie Hahn Solar power systems provider to commercial, utility and nonprofit clients



Email: info@solispartners.com



Solis presents clients with a comprehensive assessment of their portfolio’s solar potential, identifying where solar delivers the most value, based on an analysis of current solar incentives available, utility rates, property suitability, electrical consumption and solar resources.

Turnkey Solar Services:

  • Feasibility analysis
  • Financial structuring
  • Design and engineering
  • Filings and Permitting
  • Construction
  • Project management
  • Testing and commissioning
  • Utility interconnection
  • Performance monitoring
  • Operations and maintenance

Financing Options

Traditional Financing

For organizations electing to own the system, we work with financial institutions that provide long-term bank loans in support of solar installations. A traditional purchase with leverage overlay can provide the greatest return on investment.


The lease options allow organizations to receive the benefits of solar energy with significantly reduced or no capital costs. Leases can be structured as a capital, operating, or tax lease depending on the client’s financial requirements.

Power Purchase Agreement

The Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) provides a no capital investment option to on-site solar energy. With a PPA, the solar property is owned by a third party investor who sells the energy produced to the host at a discount to utility rate under a long-term agreement. This provides the host with predictable fixed electricity rates and the owner/investor with all the associated federal and state benefits that come with ownership.

Site Lease Agreement

The Site Lease Agreement (SLA) empowers property owners to leverage existing assets and enhance the return on investment from their properties. The SLA provides 15 to 20 years of new rental revenue to the property owner with no capital cost.


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